Let me say from the outset, that I receive no compensation for endorsing this product.
I first came across Metromint water at the Charlotte airport. I bought a bottle right before my flight back to Buffalo. I loved it from the first sip! It's perfect! There's a great mint flavor, plus a nice cooling sensation. Imagine my joy when I came across it at my local Wegman's! You should give it a try if you like mint. It's really good if it's ice cold. (You probably could have figured that out.)
I have discovered that the most enjoyable time for me to have one is at the very end of the day. Here's what I do: I am usually busy from 5-6 EST. So, I put Around The Horn and Pardon The Interruption on the DVR. I watch them right before bed with a Metromint. I got to bed totally relaxed and happy. A few pages out of whatever book I happen to be reading at the time, and I'm off to Dreamland.
There's a bunch of varieties, and I've only tried the Peppermint. But if Peppermint is any indication, I think I'd be satisfied with any of the varieties (though I'm not that big a fan of spearmint anyway).
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