Thursday, December 11, 2008

My 2009 Resolutions

I'll admit it. I'm one of those people who makes New Year's Resolutions. Actually, they're more like goals, instead of resolutions. And, like most of the people who make such goals/resolutions/whatever, my results are usually a mixed bag. But, that's because I usually make the statement without a plan. This year, though, will be different. I won't get into all the details in this post. I'll just share the changes I want to make in 2009.

Do you make resolutions? Do you achieve your goals?

1. Lose 50 pounds.
2. Learn the Seneca Language.
3. Get better at golf.
4. Make friends in Canada.
5. Donate $100 to five charities. (Each one gets $100)
6. Organize my study.
7. Become a better preacher.

This is what I have thus far. I'm sure there will be a few more added.

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