Sunday, August 31, 2008

Random Kitty Pics

Here's some random pictures of my cat. I'm just posting them for the sake of posting something. Enjoy!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Entire Obama Acceptance Speech

This is the entire speech Barack Obama made at the Democratic National Convention on August 28, 2008. The speech is stirring and interesting. It explains exactly why I'm voting for Sen. Obama.

I hope after watching it, you too will become persuaded to vote for Barack Obama.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Patty Loveless Kind of Day

Don't let the title fool you, dear readers. I'm actually in a good mood. But, outside, it's kinda rainy and drab, cloudy and gray (or grey if you spell it that way). A perfect day for one of my truly fave artists, Patty Loveless. Here's a couple videos. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Movie Review- "Vicky Cristina Barcelona"

This movie put me in a weird mood when I saw it. Here again, it was another film that I would have liked to have seen with someone. However, trying to get people in my age bracket to come with you when you say, "Let's go see the new Woody Allen movie" is pretty difficult. But what can you do?

The movie is about 2 friends who go to Barcelona for a summer. To make a long story short, they meet an artist, and both of them fall in love with him. However, they deal with their love for him in very different ways. Throw in a neurotic ex-wife to the mix along with a beautiful backdrop in Spain.

Let me put another bias on the table: I'm a big Woody Allen fan. Ever since college, I've liked his work. Oddly, I came to know his work through his prose rather than his films. But I digress.

In the film, Woody goes back to exploring relationships, boundaries in relationships, morals and ethics, and the like. Additionally, he addresses the issue of passion, and the consequences of acting according to said passion. This, however, has another side. Just as there are after-effects of acting on passion, so there are consequences for not doing so. Allen addresses this quite matter-of-factly. It seems as of he is not making value judgements here, but I believe he is.

The artist is played by Javier Bardem. He won an Oscar for his performance in last year's "No Country For Old Men." And he deserved it. (That film was also last year's Best Picture.) Another good job by this actor. That's pretty much all I can say about his performance.

The bigger story, for me, is Scarlett Johansson. She makes a great muse for Allen. they seem to work very well together. I've enjoyed their other collaborations ("Match Point" and "Scoop"). She plays a free spirit, and plays it well. I've known people like her character, and she pretty much portrays them nearly flawlessly.

Like I said before, this movie put me in a really weird mood. I wasn't exactly sure what to make of it. Actually, I had the same reaction when I saw Allen's "Melinda and Melinda". I wasn't quite sure what I was expecting, and I wasn't quite sure how I felt about the outcome. This movie raises some quite profound questions (listed above). I have definite ideas about relationship boundaries, and I consider myself to be a fairly passionate person. Allen is a master at making me think. I don't find myself agreeing with him and his worldview often. But he does make a great point at the beginning of the film when he introduces the character of Cristina (Scarlett Johansson). Her character believes that suffering is simply a part of living passionately (a paraphrase).

This film, like the others I've seen recently is worth seeing, if only for the dialogue factor. That is the great conversations that will emerge as a result of seeing the film. The that guy factor does not disappoint either (Kevin Dunn, who played John Candy's brother in "Only the Lonely").

Acting: A-
Directing A
That Guy Factor: C+
Overall: B

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

More Chef-To-Farm Pics

Chef-To-Farm (With Pics!)

Yesterday was my day off. I spent it with a group of people made up of chefs and foodies. I made a couple of new friends. We toured four local farms that practice organic and/or sustainable agriculture. It was all quite fascinating. I really learned a lot about where some of the local food comes from. Some highlights from the excursion include, trying some really delicious strawberry cream, petting a baby horse and cow, seeing some piglets, and picking blueberries right off the bush. I was pretty tired when I got home, but what an amazing day!

A big THANK YOU goes to the group Feed Your Soul for putting this on!

Enjoy the pics! I should explain about the pics. They are in random order, just to give you a sampling of all the places.

Friday, August 15, 2008

An Odd Sensation

So, I've been sick for the last couple days. I got a cold. I don't get sick that often, but when I do, I pretty much hit the deck. And this was no exception.

Last night, though, I became aware of a really weird feeling. I was watching the Buffalo Bills preseason matchup with the Pittsburgh Steelers in Toronto. Actually, the game was in Toronto, I was sick at home. Just to clarify. Anyway the odd sensation was this: I was doing one of my favorite things (watching football) and doing one of my least favorite things (suffering from a cold) at the exact same time. Just a little odd.

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Day At Niagara Falls- Canadian Side

Here's the photos from the Canadian side. What an enjoyable couple of hours! We ate at this place called Boston Pizza. I made the group try poutine. I happen to love it, but the group was kind of skeptical. However, they were won over with one taste.

I love Canada. I know it's Niagara Falls, and it's kind of geared toward tourists, but I love it. (I have also been to Toronto and loved that). There's just such a different vibe up there. It's kind of hard to explain. Maybe it's just me.

I know the US doesn't necessarily have the greatest reputation in the world right now. But the people in Canada that I've encountered are really great. Kudos to you, Canada! From this humble American, you have a great country.

A Day at Niagara Falls- American Side

Yesterday, the four of us (me and the Joliet people) went to Niagara Falls. And yes, we did hit both sides. Here's the pictures from the American side. A fun day was had by all.

Monday, August 11, 2008

More 125th Photos and Worship

Here are some for pics from yesterday. Also included is the order of service we followed. Enjoy!

Processional Hymn: “The Church’s One Foundation” LSB 644


P: In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
C: Amen.

P: Beloved in the Lord! Let us draw near with a true heart and confess our sins unto God our Father, beseeching Him in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to grant us forgiveness.

P: Our help is in the name of the Lord,
C: who made heaven and earth.
P: I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord,
C: and You forgave the iniquity of my sin.

P: O almighty God, merciful Father
C: I, a poor miserable sinner confess unto you all the my sins and iniquities with which I have ever offended you and justly deserve your temporal and eternal punishment. But I am heartily sorry for them and sincerely repent of them, and I pray you of you boundless mercy and for the sake of the innocent, bitter sufferings and death of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to be gracious and merciful to me, a poor sinful being.

P: Upon this your confession, I, by virtue of my office as a called and ordained servant of the Word, announce the grace of God unto all of you, and in the stead and by the command of my Lord Jesus Christ I forgive you all your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

C: Amen

Kyrie Hymn: “Just As I Am” (Stanzas 1, 2, 6)

Salutation and Collect of the Day

P: The Lord be with you.
C. And also with you.
P: Let us pray.
(The collect is spoken.)
C: Amen

Hymn of Praise: “My Church! My Dear Old Church” (Stanzas 1-3, see insert)

Old Testament:

Choral Selection: “The Faithful Shepherd”

Sermon Hymn: “Amazing Grace” LSB 744

Sermon: “The Seeking God”

Responsory Hymn: “How Great Thou Art” LSB 801

Prayer of the Church
The Lord’s Prayer

Choral Selection: “You Are My All In All”

Collect for the Word

Benedicamus and Benediction

P: Let us bless the Lord!
C: Thanks be to God!
P: The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord make his face to shine on you and be gracious to you.
The Lord look upon you with favor and give you His peace.
C: Amen.

Recessional Hymn: “Lift High the Cross” LSB 837

The Participants

Liturgist: Rev. Chris Agne, pastor 2007-present
Lector: Rev. David Batchelder, pastor 1990-1993
Preacher: Rev Douglas Meilander, pastor 1973-1980
Choral Group: Members of St. Peter Lutheran Church, Joliet, IL
Crucifer: Daniel E. Gard, Head Elder

Pics from the 125th!

Faithful readers over the last few days will remember that I've mentioned that my congregation's 125th anniversary was this weekend. We finally celebrated it yesterday afternoon after months of planning. The service went really well. We had several people from the community attend besides our own members. We had 2 former pastors with us as well who served as lector and preacher in the service (I served as liturgist). Actually, I learned that the 3 clergy in attendance all had one thing in common: Trinity Lutheran Church, here in Silver Creek, NY was the first church they served. Kinda interesting, I thought. Anyway, the service was just great, like I said. It was good to hear a full church sing hymns they love.

The choir that I imported from Joliet performed admirably. They did 2 songs. The second was "You are my All in All." It was fantastic. When they finished, the people clapped! And without my prodding! I was so proud.

Following the worship service, we had a banquet. Very Tasty! What a fabulous day for me and my congregation.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Who These People Are

Here are some head shots of my friends who came to visit me and serve as the choir for my congregation's 125th anniversary. These were taken last night (Saturday, 8/10/08) at the Clarion hotel in Dunkirk, NY. From top to bottom they are: Bob, Kim, Mary, and Tracy.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

An Evening At The Anchor Bar

So, last night, we went to the Buffalo icon known as The Anchor Bar. It's the birthplace of Buffalo Wings, for those who may not know. Anyway, it was me, my sister Missy, and some friends from Joliet, IL (Tracy, Mary, Bob, and Kim). We all had a terrific time.

I told everybody that The Anchor Bar had the best wings in the world. And "if you disagree, I will come into your room at night and punch you repeatedly." Nobody disagreed, even outside of the fear of reprisal. Anyway, we ate the wings, heard the Jazz music, had some rounds of Blue, and just enjoyed life.

Enjoy the pics. The first one was taken in the van on the way to Buffalo. I tried to get a shot of the sunset.

Friday, August 8, 2008

More Niagara Aquarium Pics?...Why Not?

Just for fun! Here's some more pics from the Niagara Aquarium. Have fun!

Niagara Aquarium Pics

We had originally planned to go to the Buffalo Zoo today. But it rained early in the day, and we had stuff to do later on that afternoon. So, we took a little trip to the Niagara Aquarium. I was surprised by the size of the place. I knew it wasn't going to be like spending a day at the Shedd Aquarium in Chi-town. I was actually expecting a pretty dinky place. But, it was bigger than I anticipated. Here's some pics from the day. Enjoy!