Friday, October 31, 2008

Fun With The Elders

Last night (10-30-08), we had a meeting of the Board of Elders. The meeting ran smoothly, but it started out in an out-of-the-ordinary fashion. After a brief set-up, they walked in in these masks. I absolutely loved it!

How many pastors can say they have that kind of rapport with their elders? God has truly blessed me with wonderful people!

Enjoy the pic!

Snow on Halloween

That's one of the adjustments I've had to make regarding life in western NY. There's a great possibility that snow could come earlier than either I'd like and/or am used to.

I saw these scenes earlier today. These were taken on the property of my friend, Becky Ward. These were taken this morning (10-31-08).

It actually snowed several days ago there. But, because of the lake effect, Silver Creek did not get any. She got 3 inches.


Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Vocation List

I think the Lutheran doctrine of vocation is one of the most beautiful, but most underrated and undertaught doctrines that we have to offer. Basically, the teaching is that God calls us to various things. Each of us has a specific set of tasks that God gives us to do. Here's my list of vocations.

I am a/an:

1. pastor
2. son
3. brother/half-brother
4. friend
5. nephew
6. boyfriend
7. chaplain

Political Fun

That's for indirectly taking out my goalie!
A Big "Thanks!" goes out to Dave in Flint, MI for sending me the link. And he's GOPer!

Point 4

I've been doing some introductory research on The Enneagram. Apparently, it's a 9- pointed diagram, with each point representing a personality type. I am a Four. I haven't sorted everything out yet, but it seemed pretty accurate. here's a description:

"Point Four - The Romantic

Worldview: Something essential is missing from life. I'll be complete if I can just find it.

Unconscious Drive: Envy

Gift: Uniqueness and Emotional Intensity.

Fours have a singular ability to be present with life's more intense situations: grief, death, depression. Through their understanding of dark nights of the soul, they accompany others on the journey. Romantics model that you will eventually get through the difficult times, and illuminate the riches to be found in the depths. Fours brings originality and creativity to any enterprise. Often blessed with a strong sense of the dramatic and/or aesthetic, they prefer to make a unique contribution in life.

Dark side of the gift: Romantics crave emotional intensity and connection. Their highs and lows can be perceived as "too much" for the other types. A tendency toward dramatic presentation and affect can alienate other people. The Fours' attraction to melancholy and the "darker" emotions can seem like wallowing to the rest of us. At its worst, melancholy can slide into depression. Insistence on exhibiting their uniqueness or difference can be counterproductive to their own goals and offputting to others.

Internal terrain:
A Four feels that something is missing in his/her life. Other people have it and the Romantic envies them. The Four longs for the missing element that will make them whole. There is a bittersweet flavor to Four's longing and melancholy. They crave a deep connection where they will be met emotionally. Authenticity is found in intense feeling states. If Four can't find what will complete them, at least they will have intensity. Ordinariness is akin to a sort of death. Love and survival depend on being true to one's inner emotional terrain."

Image source:

Hopefully, I'll be able to explore this a bit further. Maybe I'll post more about this as I get further along.

Also, if it matters at all: I'm a ENFP on the Myers-Briggs.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Be a Joseph! Interpret My Dream!

I had a really strange dream last night. It started out with my dad and I shoveling dirt out of the bed of my pick up truck. It was snowing. I looked on the ground, and the snow was all dirty. I looked up, and standing in my truck bed was Eli Manning, quarterback of the NY Giants. He was dressed in his football uniform.

Do dreams mean anything? If so, help me out!

Giving Props to a Division Rival

The San Francisco 49ers are in the same division as my beloved St. Louis Rams. But, I have to give them props for hiring Mike Singletary as their head coach. Just like with the Rams and Jim Haslett, I believe a new era is starting out there in the Bay Area. After all, it's not really a great rivalry anymore if both teams are mired in a culture of losing.

I've liked Singletary since his playing days with the Bears. And I'm surprised he hasn't been up for a coaching gig up to now.

This video is his press conference after the game. Enjoy!

Here's to a renewed rivalry!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Luther Night Pics

Sunday, 10-26-08, was Reformation Day (observed) in most, if not all Lutheran churches across the country. My church, Trinity Lutheran (LCMS) partnered with our neighbor, Zion Lutheran (ELCA) to show the film "Luther". It was the one that came out a couple years ago. We opened it up to the community and charged no admission. We had a great turnout. Hopefully it will be the first in an ongoing film series. We also had a freewill offering, the proceeds of which goes to Lutheran World Relief.

Anyway, some big "Thank Yous" are due:

My friend, colleague, and co-planner: Rev. Katie Yahns
Everyone who came
Everyone who donated stuff
Other churches who advertised for us, especially Christ Chapel Wesleyan

The pictures all take place prior to the showing of the film. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Blue Note Karma?

From Yahoo!:

"ANCHORAGE, Alaska – The Anchorage Daily News, Alaska's largest newspaper, endorsed Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama Sunday after declaring Gov. Sarah Palin "too risky" to be one step away from the Oval Office."

Cosmic payback for indirectly taking out the goalie for the Blues? Could be.

But probably not.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Favorite Foods List

Here's a list of my favorite foods. Pretty straight-forward. No particular order. Also, this list is by no means complete.

1. Chicken Wings (You probably know them as Buffalo Wings)
2. Pepperoni Pizza
3. BBQ ribs
4. Fried Chicken
5. Boiled Peanuts
6. Prime Rib
7. Cheeseburger
8. Bacon
9. Biscuits
10. Chocolate Milk

Now, I don't eat all of these everyday. In fact, I wouldn't say I even eat them most days. I'm trying to eat healthy. That kinda limits the amount of wings and fried chicken that go in my tummy. But, they are treats when I get them. Though, this far north, boiled peanuts are harder to come by.

Not The Way To Win Votes

From the STL paper:

"The Blues rolled out the blue carpet for Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin Friday night, and in a bizarre accident, goalie Manny Legace tripped on the carpet before the game and eventually left with a strained left hip-flexor."

Now, I wasn't going to vote McCain-Palin before this incident. But taking out my goalie isn't going to win you any points.


Friday, October 24, 2008

The "Just Go Away" List

There are some people that I just get tired of hearing from and about. I'm not sure what to do with them, but a "Around The Horn" mute button would be a good start. Here's the people who I think have done their job, should be thanked for their service, and then set on the ice floe while we wave good-bye. Again, no offense if some of your fave people are on this list. Also, you guessed it, no particular order. This is just my opinion. Some of you might think this about me.

1. Joe Buck
2. Dick Vitale
3. Chris Berman
4. Herman Otten
5. Joan Rivers
6. Sean Hannity
7. Cris Collinsworth
8. Bill Clinton
9. Orlando Bloom
10. TO (Terrell Owens)
11. Andy Rooney
12. Paula Deen's sons
13. ALL Boston sports teams

Thursday, October 23, 2008

You Cannot Be Serious!

Why are we talking about this? Why is Sarah Palin's shopping spree even a campaign issue? Aren't there more substantive things we could and SHOULD be talking about?

The video footage is a segment on Hardball with Chris Matthews (who, like most people, is better as an SNL parody, and who I can barely stand in small doses). They devote, like, 11 minutes to this crap. Look, it comes down to this: If it's the party's money (NOT taxpayer money), then the party can spend it however they see fit.

The Republican party, I think, used to be masters of elevating trivial issues to the level of national priority. And I fault the Obama campaign for not saying, "This is such a trivial issue, that Sen. Obama will not even bother to spend one second of his time on it." Instead, they've allowed this to continue.

Anyway, enjoy the footage (if you stomach for more than 10 seconds).

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Boring List

This is a lsit of things that I find boring. I apologize in advance if stuff you like is on this list, dear readers. If you like it, that's cool. It's just that when I encounter these things, I fall asleep faster than Bob Dole on NyQuil. But, you probably have your own list of boring stuff that I might think is utterly fascinating. As always, the list is in no particular order.

1. ant farms
2. Pieper's "Christian Dogmatics"
3. shoe shopping
4. watching poker on TV
5. driving through Kansas or Indiana
6. watching racing on TV or in person (car racing)
7. country line dancing
8. professional bodybuilding*
9. "Napolean Dynamite"
10. the music of James Taylor
11. most new country music

* Nik and I had many a good laugh at the expense of pro bodybuilding, especially the colorful characters. But I just find posedowns boring.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

CROP Walk Pics

Today, the town of Silver Creek held the annual CROP walk to benefit people living in poverty. I was asked to do the opening prayer. I took the opportunity. I also took some pictures. It was a beautiful fall day. Enjoy the pics!

Nicole's Party Pics

Here's some pics from a party I went to Friday night. It was hosted by my friend Nicole in honor of her birthday. She's the gal inthe top picture. Enjoy!

And Happy B-Day, Nicole!

The Artists List

I've been watching a fair amount of the Ovation channel as of late. So, I decided it was probably time to publish a list of my fave artists. Most are painters, but not all of them. I don't really favor one style over another. I just know what I like. The list, as always is in no particular order. Enjoy!

1. Paul Cezanne
2. Piet Mondrian
3. Alex Ross
4. Henri Matisse
5. Josh Agle
6. Richard Serra
7. Edward Gorey
8. Christo
9. Dale Chihuly
10. John Caldwell
11. John James Audobon

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Golfing With Paul

So, Thursday (10-16-08) was my birthday. I spent part of it golfing with my friend and parishioner, Paul. We went to Rosebrook Golf Course near Silver Creek. It was really wet out there, but it was really a chance to hang out and swing the clubs. We didn't keep score (mercifully). Enjoy the pics!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The "I Don't Get It" List

While I do consider myself to be a garden variety armchair pseudo anthropologist of American culture, there are certain things which I just do not get. This is not to say there is anything wrong with any of the items on this list, I just don't understand their popularity. I have friends, loved ones, and relatives that like these things, but I just can't grasp their appeal. People have tried to explain it to me, but it's just beyond me. I'm sorry if some of what you like is on this list, but I probably have and do things you don't get either (Camo, Woody Allen, etc.). Make-a da world go 'round.

1. Mixed Martial Arts
2. "Sex & The City"
4. John Mayer
5. Orlando Bloom
6. Most Anime (with some exceptions)
7. "Lord of the Rings" (books and films; sorry, CSL fanboys!)
8. Monty Python
9. Cris Collinsworth
10. "Dancing With The Stars"
11. "Columbo"
12. Film and Music elitists
13. Elicia's Pizza in the STL
14. Ranch Dressing with Chicken Wings
15. Sushi

Single-Issue Voters- Part 2

I know it might sound like I'm picking on conservatives, Republicans, or other people who vote on "moral values". But I'm not. What I'm decrying is the idea that one of those values is more important than any other.

I am also not saying that SIVs were the only ones responsible for economic meltdown. Please understand that.

I'm thinking merely in practical terms here. After all, how much comfort can there be in knowing your elected representative is pro-choice when the schools suck when and if that kid is born. How great is it to have an elected official that is rabidly pro-gun, when you might not have a house in which to store your firearms? All I'm saying is that practicality sometimes has be the deciding factor.

This brings us to an interesting subset of SIVs. Those who vote on "character". Again, I'm not saying that it's an important issue. However, to make that the single issue which will decide your vote is not a good thing for 2 reasons. First, it has been established that using any single issue as an electoral "trump card" can have dire consequences. Second, it is really impossible. Not to perpetuate a stereotype, but a good many of the "character" voters I've met, are good, Christian people. Being such, they should know better. They should know that people are imperfect and sinful. Before God, we are all of shady character (to put it mildly). But even in a purely secular context, they should know better. In a purely secular context (or in a left-hand kingdom context, as a shout out to fellow Lutherans), they should know that decent, moral, hard-working, and honorable people exist in both parties.

Third, it sets the expectant voter up for colossal failure. Here's what I mean: It could (not saying WILL) turn out that the candidate has some very bad skeletons in their closet. Like we all do. But if it it made public, that person who voted on "character" will be disappointed that their vote went to such a scumbag. For every John McCain, there's a Mark Foley feeling up pages. For every Daniel Patrick Moynihan, there's William Jefferson stacking money in a freezer. Did either of these men get elected because they made character an issue? So, there's bound to be disappointment. We know this in our own lives. Why should we not anticipate it from our elected leaders?

I hope this sheds a little light on why I believe it pays to be politically interested in more than just one issue.

Again, I must add:
Disclaimer: I am writing this as a private citizen. My views are totally my own. These views do not necessarily reflect my congregation, my church body, other clergy, etc. I am solely responsible for the content of this post.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Single-Issue Voters- Part 1

Not too long ago, Barack Obama said something (and I'm paraphrasing, hopefully correctly) along the lines of: the current economic crisis is the final verdict on the failed economic policies of George W. Bush. I offer a slightly different take. Yes, President Bush is the guy in charge. And yes, there is a Congress (albeit a spineless one) controlled by the Democratic Party. But who put those people in those positions? The American people, that's who. It may sound a bit callous, but some of the fault lies in certain segments of the voting public.

I'm writing about Single-Issue Voters (or, SIVs). There are folks who vote for certain candidates based on their stance on a particular issue. This is most often associated with the pro-life movement. But, the SIV phenomenon is not limited to them. No, it spans all political ideologies and has infiltrated both parties. Anything can be an item for a SIV: abortion, 2nd Amendment issues, the environment, gay marriage, you name it. Even general angst with a political party can work in this capacity.

This is not a good thing. It implies that that issue is the only thing that matters. Life is much more complex than many SIVs would have us believe. The current economic crisis is proof of that. The collapse happened for many reasons. However, none of the reasons include gay marriage, abortion, or guns.

This is why I say that single-issue voting is not good. True, the economic crisis could be construed as an extreme example. But, I believe it does serve as an indictment of such voting habits. Plenty of good, decent hard-working, innocent Americans are affected by this economic crisis. Why? I believe part of it is due to too many people with tunnel vision.

To be continued...

Disclaimer: I am writing this as a private citizen. My views are totally my own. These views do not necessarily reflect my congregation, my church body, other clergy, etc. I am solely responsible for the content of this post.

The Dinner List- Living Edition

"If you could have dinner with 3 people, living or dead, who would you pick?"

I love that question, but I can never really answer it. Sometimes I roll that question around in my head when I can't sleep. So, why not put it into a list? There's just too many to pick just 3 in any category. So, this list will actually be given in 3 parts at different times. 3 parts? yeah: living, dead, and fictional characters.

This list is the people currently alive with whom I'd like to have dinner. As always, the list is in no particular order.

1. Martin Yan
2. Barack Obama
3. Woody Allen
4. M. Night Shyamalan
5. Patty Loveless
6. Matt Groening
7. David Sedaris
8. Dennis Miller
9. Kurt Warner
10. John Caldwell
11. Adrienne Rich
12. Magic Johnson
13. Bob Gibson
14. Cui Yu Fen

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Rams Finally Win!!

I like the way the Jim Haslett era is beginning in the STL. My beloved Rams finally won their first game of the season. Last season, they took until Week 9 to get that 1st one.

The game came down to a final field goal by Josh Brown. It would have been an easy 33-yarder. But Richie Incognito decided he needed to start using profanity with the officials, and make things interesting by getting a penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct and backing the Rams up 15 yards.

This isn't the 1st time I've had issues with Incognito. I've long felt that he's a hothead who puts the Rams in bad positions. Coach Haslett needs to cut him and send a message. If this is indeed a new Rams attitude, then Coach Haslett should make Incognito into Persona Non Grata.

In the pics, the top one is from the STL paper. The middle one is Josh Brown out of uniform. The bottom one is Coach Haslett walking by. Clearly, the bottom 2 are NOT professionally taken. They're from my cell phone, and were taken after the Rams-Bills game a few weeks back in the STL.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Golfing with Tom and Travis

I took the day off yesterday and went golfing with 2 fellow LCMS pastors. We played a version of golf called "best ball". If that's an unfamiliar term, it's where everybody hits, and then you play from not where your ball lands, but from the best shot. Lots of fun! We all had a terrific time.

It was great to be out in the fall foliage. Nobody kept score. It was just a chance to hang out and hit the links. These pics were taken at Concord Crest Golf Course near Springville, NY. Enjoy the pics!

A Little Late, Perhaps?

I took these 2 pictures after I got home yesterday afternoon. They depict the Ice Cream Man in Silver Creek, NY.

I love it! It's freakin' October and the Ice Cream Man is still making the rounds! I thought that was really cool (no pun intended). I bought a frozen delight called a "Hyperstripe". It's a Popsicle that has blue raspberry, white lemon, and red cherry swirled together on a stick.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Conservatives List

As most of you dear readers know by now, I'm a supporter of Sen. Barack Obama for president. As such, I'm not known for being a conservative person (politically, anyway; theologically is another story). But that doesn't mean I don't like them, that I'm not friends with them (you have to in the LCMS), I don't get along with them, or think they have no valid ideas. We just happen to have different views on the size and scope of government. Oh yeah, I should note that I am using the classical definitions of "conservative" and "liberal". Here's a basic working definition:

Conservative: Favors a smaller government.
Liberal: Wants a bigger government.

Oversimplified? Sure. But that's my definition. Live with it.

Anyway, in the interest of fairness during this election season, here's a list of my favorite self-identified conservatives. Some are celebs, some are friends. You can probably guess who is whom. As always, this list is in no particular order.

1. Dennis Miller
2. Rev. David Daniel
3. Pat Sajak
4. Drew Carey
5. Mike Albers
6. Jack Kemp (he was QB for the Buffalo Bills, after all!)
7. John Parker
8. PJ O'Rourke
9. Angelo Torres
10. Peter List
Please note: These are conservatives, not necessarily Republicans.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Rediscovering The Critic

I've recently started watching this show. I remember it from the late 1990s, but I only saw a couple episodes. I remember liking them. Turns out, I was right. Now that I get the jokes, it's funnier. I saw it on the Reelz channel a few weeks back, and decided to give it a shot. I'm glad I did. I see why the series failed when it did. But, thanks to DVD, it'll be with us forever.

Enjoy the clip!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Vacation Pics- Rams vs. Bills

This one requires a bit of an explanation.

See, my dad and I are involved in a little father-son project. Since we both love football, we've decided to make it our goal to watch a game at every NFL stadium. It's OK if we don't see the Rams at every stadium. True, this means giving money to both the Arizona Cardinals and the New England Patriots. But I figure, if we eat before we go to the game, we don't have to give them as much.

Anyway, the 1st installment of this project was 9-28-08. The Buffalo Bills played my beloved but really-sucking-right-now Rams in STL. Enjoy the pics!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Vacation Pics- Emmy and Jack

These are some pics of my niece and nephew. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Vacation Pics- Cards Game

These photos were taken at Busch Stadium. My dad and I went to the game. Enjoy!

Update for All My Dear Readers

Sorry it's been so long since I last posted. But,I was on vacation. I had internet access, but I decided I needed some me time. But I do have pictures from most of it. So, Ill be posting them over the next couple days.

After I got back from vacation, I had a day in the office. Then, it's been CPE for the last 2 days. Thus, I haven't had much time to update you on what's going on, give you a list to read, or review a film for you.

Basically vacation went like this:

Monday- partial workday, then airports and planes. Met Marv Levy. Randomly ran into a classmate in ATL airport.

Tuesday- Symposium at Concordia Seminary-STL. Spent Tuesday evening with my sweetheart, Kel. Met Nik and his GF after I left Kel's place.

Wednesday- Symposium cont'd. Met sister and family for dinner to celebrate her b-day.

Thursday- Dentist appt. pre-9 AM. Cards game at 1. Drove to Joliet,IL that night.

Friday- Helped Kel at her dad's house, in Thornton, IL. Painted a room.

Saturday- Same as Friday. Drove home that evening.

Sunday- Home church, with Bible Study and late service (contemporary). Art in Park after. Then, Rams game Vs. Buffalo Bills. Scott Linehan's last game as head coach.

Monday- hung out in STL. Counselor's appt. met a friend for dessert in U. City.

Tuesday- more hanging out in STL. met Nik for tour of old haunts.

Wednesday- flew back home.