So, a while back, I asked for suggestions for redecorating the kitchen/dining room area of my parsonage. The choice came down to wine or chickens. The polls indicated that the wine theme was the overwhelming favorite. So, that's what I went for. Though, I am still tempted by the chickens at times. Anyway, as part of the decor, I felt I needed a wine rack. I looked all over for ones that I liked, as well as ones that would look good in the room (they weren't always the same). Anyway, I was at a wine store in Dunkirk, NY and came across this cool number.
I like it for a couple reasons:
1) Uniqueness. 2) My living room has an outdoors/nature theme. It would ease the transition.
Anyway, here's the pic. Please note: the photo was taken at the store, not in the house.
What a fun movie! That's the best way to summarize the whole experience. I saw the movie in 3D, as the title informs you. That really enhanced my film watching.
This is the third film in the Ice Age franchise. And, I am a big fan of it! The film features the familiar characters and voices of the previous two. The plot is certainly scientifically inaccurate. More mature viewers will recognize this, and the kids will have plenty of time to learn the science as they advance in school. But, on the other hand, it is a work of fiction. And a fun one at that.
The comparisons to the Shrek franchise are inevitable I suppose. (I loved the first 2 Shrek movies, and was kind of bored by the third.) But I will say this about the Ice Age films. there are enough regular jokes and sight gags for everyone. That is to say, they don't feel the need to resort to a bombardment of pop culture references for the grown-ups (as the Shrek films tend to do). And this is coming from a guy who loves his pop culture references (couldn't love Family Guy if I didn't)!
The discussion factor is not as high as it might be in other films, but the are opportunities for dialogue. Part of it is technical, as in the animation and 3D aspects. But, it might spur a conversation about friendship, families, and other areas of life. The "That Guy" factor is a pretty tough for two reasons: 1) the characters are all voiced by actors, and 2) most of them are well-known actors. The us the grades at the end of the review will reflect that.
But, overall, the film is a good one. It's a great way to kill a little time. Good animation, good action sequences, good family movie. Not too much else I can say. I wholeheartedly recommend this film. Besides, anything with dinosaurs rules!
For the last couple of weeks, my congregation has experimented with an early service on Sunday morning beginning at 8:00. We decided that there would be no early service today a few weeks ago, since we had a congregational meeting after our normal 10:30 service. So, I took advantage of this morning's surplus of time to do a couple of things around the house as well as prepare some notes for the meeting. Before I had a chance to jump in the shower, there was a member at my back door asking if there was an early service. I said there wasn't. I was then informed that a family of four was outside, waiting to be let into the church for the early service.
I quickly let them in, set up communion, and put on my vestments. We did the service a cappella. I then informed the Bible study class that I would be a little late this morning. Actually, it only ended up being a few minutes late.
For once I was glad the cat woke me up early! Just wanted to put this story out there.
I promised last October that I would do this list. Then, I kinda forgot about it. That 4-month hiatus didn't help much. Anyway, here's a list of my fave actresses. As always, the list is in no particular order.
1. Diane Keaton 2. Scarlett Johansson 3. Lauren Bacall 4. Faye Dunaway 5. Pam Grier 6. Meryl Streep 7. Janet Leigh 8. Mia Farrow 9. Liv Ullman
These are fresh golf pics, dear readers. These were taken yesterday at Sugar Hill golf course in Westfield, NY. Good shots, beautiful day. The day was marred only by the fact that their restaurant, which is really tasty, is closed on Monday.
I'm going to level with you. I've only seen the Harry Potter movies. I'm not one of those obsesssed fan who starts reading the novels the second they buy it, and then lose sleep trying to finish it. So, for thos eof you dear readers who happen to find themselves to be that type of fan, my review will probably be very simplistic to you. Even still, feel free to comment.
Overall, I found this film to be decent. However, I felt that there was much more that could have been done with it. I know this is the problem with trying to translate a long, detail-filled novel with a rabid fanbase into a film that must have appeal for the masses.
But, let's start with the good. Some of the kids are really finding themselves as actors. As such, their performances are getting increasingly better. This is,I believe, especially true of Daniel Radcliffe, who plays Harry himself.
The problem with the film is this: It's not the "darkest one yet". It's all teenage crushes and love stories. Was the director trying to make this a "Twilighted" version of Harry Potter? I will say that romance movies are not generaly my cup of green tea. We've been lead on this cinematic journey to believe thatthere's this coming ultimate showdown between good and evil. Suddenly, we need a romantic interlude? Also, I thought the battle in the bathroom between Harry and Draco could have been more substantial. And where was the funeral for Dumbledore? (I was told there was one in the book.)
I am waiting for the director's cut on DVD. There has to be more than just this.
This film left me with a few questions: 1. Why call it "...and the Half-Blood Prince" if that's a minor detail in the movie? 2. Where does Tim Burton end and Helena Bonham Carter begin? (They're married in real life) 3. Why is Dumbledore so "touchy-feely" all of a sudden?
The discussion factor is actually decent here. The most obvious one is the discussion over how much the film differed from the book (I'm told). Other discussions which may stem from this film are the nature of trust, divine plans and purpose, as well as the limits of academic freedom and pursuit. The "that guy" factor is not really that high as well, with the regular cast of Hogwarts faculty doing that particular duty. The new addition here is Jim Broadbent as Professor Horace Slughorn. Broadbent, of course doing his part of filling the role which calls for "Old British gent without a cool, deep voice."
The difference is that I will tell you where these pics are from. A couple are from the golf tourney that me and 3 other guys won. The others are from the golf simulator at the 2009 Taste of Buffalo.
These pics were taken during various golf outings of 2009. I'm sure if I tried hard enough, I could remember actual dates. But, that smacks of effort. Anyway, dear readers, enjoy the pics. They're basically here for the sake of posting something.
In this video (which has no sound for some reason), you see President Barack Obama throw out the first pitch in the 2009 MLB All-Star Game. Catching the pitch is Cardinals 1B Albert Pujols. Both of these guys show up in my man-crush list.
Even in complete silence, the images are inspiring!
Sorry, dear readers for taking a couple months off. I've been extremely busy. I've also had any number of things happen to me. So, here's the list of things I can remember. As always, this list is in no particular order.
1. Served as a vacancy pastor 2. Won a golf tournament (with 3 other guys) 3. Started work on a D. Min degree 4. Helped at Confirmation Camp for Camp Pioneer 5. Bought some cool new T-shirts 6. Showed my friend Katie my seminary 7. Saw "Watchmen" 4 times 8. Had "cat issues" 9. Innundated Facebook friends with Jay Cutler stories 10. Went to the District Convention 11. Finally got to the Albright-Knox 12. Got addicted to Kan Jam 13. Started growing tomatoes 14. Got addicted to MonsterQuest 15. Got elated when any Boston sports team was bounced from the playoffs 16. Finally got use The Simpsons in minstry again 17. Finished redecorating the master bathroom 18. Got rid of a bunch of stuff
There's other things as well. I'll keep you posted.
This blog marks the end of a hiatus. This blog has had many incarnations, some successful, some not so much.
Despite the title, I hope to not do much complaining. Most of this blog will be reactions and lists, thoughts and ideas.
This blog will probably not intoduce anything new or be very deep. In fact, most of what's on here will probably be quite inocuous and/or inane (to most of you anyway).
But, who knows? Maybe it'll give you something to talk about while you're bored.